Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Of Prisons and other Bars

-when I was young I lived in James Cook Street

-about 1974 in paddocks etc up the end of the Street

-I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man

-I thought I might have heard the laughter of children from the top of the hill / valley 

-the SKELETON- William torched by someone and called by the Press the Red SKULL

-like in 1995 I saw the two page spread in the Comic Buyers Guide of the Marvel Heroes Reborn Image style Captain America

-the SKELETON in the DITCH. KATHERINE waiting in my bed for me

-his family might turn on him

-the time I was very young. I accidently dropped a piece of CHOCOLATE down the TOILET I was sitting on

-I am the father of CHARLOTTE. Conceived about the time William and Kate were in New Zealand

-Kate was at an 'Airport' of close main city Rotorua

-maybe she planned to get me as the father. Seeing the idea in things. To bring down her husband and to get what she wants in life

-maybe William made a mistake and almost cost Britain something

-the chocolate through the toilet seat. Like Charlotte through a vagina

-CAPTAIN JAMES COOK Street- I am the CAPTAIN America in that add. Having an affair with the parallel Earth Kate while she is still married

-I from maybe Friday March 31st 2017. The day I was told to take the Bus to the next town. Gained maybe the miracle powers to do about anything. I started off as two splits that came out of me. One looking like Rob LIEFELD wearing a 1987 Masters of the Universe He-Man costume. And too for maybe about 8 years somehow kept getting to a parallel Earth. JAMES COOK Street. As in William torched. James Cook Street like he was the Captain of the ENDEAVOUR. In Masters of the Universe it is set in ETERNIA. LIE FIELD

-the LAUGHTER of children I might have heard from the hill. Maybe LUCIFER

-actor Tom Holland might have once meant to be my husband

-the HOLIDAY I came back from with my grandparents in 1983. At Auckland International Airport I caused us to miss our shuttle Taxi looking at comics in the Bookstore there. One a Legion of Super-Heroes with A Cold and Lonely Part of Dying on the cover. They crashed on an ice asteroid. The comic I might have chose to buy. CAPTAIN Carrot and his Amazing Zoo CREW 1. Tom HOLE LAND. As in ship. As in the ditch in the ground. HOLLAND as in HOLIDAY. On a holiday with my grandparents about 1978. As far South as I would ever go. Passing through a strange mountain through a TUNNEL entering the Capital. I stayed in my own bedroom. With a FRIDGE of cans of drink

-Satan maybe saying Holland gets a wife like Lois and Clark style Lois Lane and becomes LOIS SUFFERER

-about 1978 I had a dream. I was standing in our garage. There was a Witch. Tall, long red hair and a red dress. I asked her Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch? A Harvey Comics slogan

-Are You WENDY / Walt DISNEY Company. The Good Little Witch. A HARVEY Comics slogan

-Are You the Good Little WHICH? my and maybe Satan's plans for a Wicked Witch of the East and West like in Oz. Both Holland and William become really terrible

-the Red dress and hair for the Red Skull

-Are You Wendy the GOOD LITTLE Witch? the long red hair and flowing red dress. The massive volcano sending out lava. GOOD making people terrible

-Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch? my plans to make Earth a mixture of the paranormal. Copies of my home. And terrible times for some

-it was New Year's Eve about 2014. I went to SCARLET Hair. On the cover of a magazine it read PRINCE Harry / Holland / William. Might have put a tattoo of a rhino on his back. William is a Prince. Holland would have been my husband so might have to live the full roles as a Royal

-straight after that I went to PAK N SAVE supermarket. PAREDES and SAVE. I was standing in the Checkout line and was short of money for my last few Groceries. From behind me appeared a man looking like CAPTAIN America played by MATT SALINGER. And paid for them. MATT AGER me. He was tall, blonde, attractive, looking like a character or actor. Maybe really me MATT or someone I set up. SLANDER. William as Red Skull or Holland in a Cruise movie's plot. SALINGER like I saw in the ditch when young the full SKELETON / SKULL of a man. I was putting my bags on my bike outside. He was loading up his car with his across the Road from KFC. With packet designs like some of the costumes of the original Doom Patrol. And Beast Boy WHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN ME IN A VERSION. Beast Boy could change in to animal forms. CAPTAIN Marvel and CHRISTIAN Paredes

-the RED SPOT. The Red Skull and Titanic

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